Hi-Phone 48
Hi-Phone is a plant growth regulator with systemic properties. It penetrates into the plant tissues, and is translocated and progressively decomposed to ethylene, which affects the growth process. As a plant growth regulator, it reduces straw length, gives greater resistance to lodging, and aids harvesting of fruit crops and cereal crops; including barley, wheat, rye, triticale, cotton, figs, maize, nut crops, pineapples and sugar cane.
Active Ingredient: Ethephon
Available Formulation: 48 g/l soluble liquid (SL)
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Product Benefits
Reduces straw length
Gives greater resistance to lodging
Aids harvesting
Allows the use of optimum rates of nitrogen top dressing to achieve maximum yield
Increases yield and profit in lodging situation
Reduces the incidence of necking and brackling
A wide range of compatibilities with fungicides and aphicides
Target Crops



Sugar cane


Mode of Application
Application should be carried out using suitable equipment and at the correct dilution rate as stated on the product label.
Safety Equipment