Hi-Daminozide is a plant growth regulator that interferes with gibberellic acid biosynthesis. It is absorbed by the target plant leaves and translocated throughout the plant. Hi-Daminozide is used to produce more compact plants, by the inhibition of internodal elongation, and to improve the set of top fruit crops. It is used mainly on top fruit crops and ornamental plants, including apples, pears, chrysanthemums, azaleas, hydrangeas, poinsettias and a variety of bedding plants.
Active Ingredient: Daminozide
Available Formulation: 850 g/L soluble powder (SP)
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Product Benefits
Increases colouration on fruit such as apples, apricots and peaches
Reduces the height on ornamentals such as azaleas, chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, poinsettias and many other bedding plants
Improves setting of fruit crops
Target Crops






Mode of Application
Application should be carried out using suitable equipment and at the correct dilution rate as stated on the product label.
Safety Equipment